Administrateurs et dirigeants
Frank J. Basa, P. Eng.
Chef de la direction et président du conseil

M. Basa est administrateur de Granada Gold Mine Inc. depuis 2004. Il est également président de Grupo Moje Ltd et de Mineral Recovery Management Systems Corp. M. Basa cumule plus de 28 ans d'expérience internationale en exploitation et en développement de mines d'or, à titre d'ingénieur professionnel en hydrométallurgie avec une expertise au niveau des étapes de broyage, concentration par gravité, flottation, lixiviation et affinage de métaux précieux et usuels. Il est membre des Professional Engineers of Ontario et gradué de l'Université McGill.
Matthew Halliday, P.Geo.

Mr. Halliday graduated from Dalhousie University in 2007 where he majored in Earth Sciences then spent the next 13 years in exploration and as a resource geologist with Kirkland Lake Gold, First Cobalt and SGS Geostat. He is currently a Director, President, Chief Operating Officer and VP Exploration of Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.
Maya Basa, BBA MBA

Maya Basa is a tested executive with extensive experience working in international consulting firms based out of Canada, and the United Kingdom. Her work has been focused on leading large-scale transformation projects for various clients, primarily in North America and Europe. The Company is greatly anticipating the addition of her skills in process improvement, outsourcing, and setting up the Company’s ever evolving ESG and sustainability policies and programs.
Ms. Basa’s most recent post as Vice-President of Transformation in Financial Services at a large UK consulting firm, with approximately 125,000 employees globally, saw her establish and maintain the firm’s emerging ESG/Sustainability Regulation Services in Financial Services. Prior to her professional activities, Ms. Basa was conferred an MBA from the University of Oxford and is consistently the recipient of numerous awards for her work in academic institutions.
Tina Whyte
Secrétaire générale

Tina Whyte cumule plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le milieu des affaires et des valeurs mobilières. Son expertise touche des secteurs comme la gouvernance d’entreprise, la divulgation continue, les transactions financières, et les dépôts et la conformité règlementaires. Mme Whyte remplit aussi les fonctions de secrétaire générale pour d’autres sociétés cotées en bourse.
Remantra Sheopaul
Mr. Sheopaul presently works with Marrelli Support Services which provides CFO, accounting, regulatory, compliance and management advisory services to numerous issuers on the TSX, TSX Venture Exchange and other Canadian and U.S. exchanges. Mr. Sheopaul has a focus on building strong relationships with clients to understand and anticipate their needs.